Tabletop exercise on using the Safe Schools Declaration and Guidelines: A compendium of materials, reflections and notes for implementing the exercise
By Richard Moyes
For the Third International Conference on Safe Schools in Palma, Spain in May 2019, Article 36 developed a tabletop exercise for participants to discuss different scenarios featuring threats and attacks against education in armed conflict, and the military use of schools.
The exercise was designed and coordinated by Article 36 in partnership with the Ministries of Defence of Spain and Argentina, and the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA).
This publication from Article 36 makes the materials used for the tabletop exercise available for download and also gives some reflections on the implementation of the exercise at the Palma conference:
The scenario materials are available to download in:
These materials are free to use if credited to Article 36. For more information about this work, contact Richard Moyes (richard@article36.org).
Featured image: An art installation at the Third International Conference on Safe Schools in Palma, Spain, 2019, depicting a school destroyed in Syria (Photo: Article 36)